At the end of a round you are awarded bonus points based on the number of bombs, drinks and bullets remaining. If you're striving for a high score, it's advisable to conserve your equipment as much as possible. Being able to spray the enemy with lead makes your job easier, but you have only a limited number of bullets, and when you use them up, you will be forced to complete the level with a single-shot rifle. When the battle first begins, you are equipped with a Kalashnikova assault rifle, which can fire a steady stream of bullets much like a machine gun. This isn't easy to do, though, because it usually takes several shots before the prize is revealed, and in the meantime the enemy continues its attack. But after they're used, you can restore them by shooting crates, pots and other such items on the screen in which the bombs and drinks are hidden. You don't, however, have unlimited bombs and drinks you start off with only one of each. When you hit the bomb icon, all the targets on the screen are destroyed (including innocent bystanders, so you have to be careful with this one), and when you hit the drink icon, your life meter is restored to its maximum. The bomb and drink icons are actually targets that you can shoot. The life meter shows the amount of damage you can take each time you get hit, it goes down. On the bottom of the screen is a strip containing your score, your life meter, a bomb icon, a "drink" icon and your bullet count. But in either case you must be fast to avoid their deadly fire. Some of them begin firing on you immediately, while others give you a chance to aim and shoot. The screen display scrolls slowly to the left, and soldiers with rifles, machine guns, grenades and other weapons run onto the screen or pop up from foxholes or from behind obstacles. You must battle your way through seven levels of action, shooting the on-screen targets as they appear, while not harming the innocent bystanders.

Rambo III, unlike the previous adventure, Rambo: First Blood Part II, is a game that requires the Sega Light Phaser. government fears that a rescue mission would be politically embarrassing, they've decided that they must leave the colonel in the prison camp in which he is incarcerated. Rambo's back, and this time he must rescue his friend, Colonel Trautman, who was captured in Afghanistan by Russian soldiers as he attempted to deliver weapons to the Mujahedin freedom fighters.